Can’t figure out how to send a fax via cell phone?

Faxing isn’t the chore it used to be.

Instead of having to deal with clunky fax machines (or even pay to use them), all you need to send or receive a fax today is your cell phone – and a handy phone fax app.

But with so many fax apps out there, how do you know which one to use?

Not sure how to send a fax via cell phone? Don’t know which fax app to choose?

Read on to find out more.

How to send a fax via cell phone with Zap Fax

For you iOS users out there, Zap Fax is here for you.

Send faxes via your iPhone with Zap Fax

Zap Fax is free-to-download off the Apple Store.

When you install Zap Fax on your iPhone, get access to:

  • High quality faxes for any document
  • Easy conversion to all common file formats
  • International faxing with fax numbers from over 35 countries

And more.

Because Zap Fax is more than just your average fax app.

Zap Fax also cares about your privacy. All users get a private fax number with Zap Fax, so rest assured that your phone number privacy is safe.

To fax via your cell phone with Zap Fax, all you need to do is this:

  1. Download Zap Fax from the Apple Store.
  2. Open the app.
  3. Press the center button when the scan area is completely highlighted in green.
  4. Make any edits to your fax preview
  5. Tap Confirm and select Email PDF
  6. Type in a subject and the email address of your recipient

And that’s it.

With Zap Fax, you’ll be faxing documents via your cell phone in no time.

How to send a fax via cell phone for Android

On Android instead? Zap Fax hasn’t come to Android just yet, but here are a few great choices to pick from:

Choice 1: eFax

Efax is a popular fax app choice for both iOS and Android.

eFax’s mobile faxing app is a popular choice for both iOS and Android.

With a generous 30-day trial period and a starter plan that gives up to 200 free faxes a month, it’s no surprise that eFax is always getting great reviews.

Still, if you rarely send faxes and only plan to send a few on the rare occasion, eFax may be a bit of an overkill.

At 16.95 a month for their starter plan, you’re likely paying for a lot more than what you really need.

Choice 2: iFax

iFax allows you to send faxes in a wider selection of formats.

If you’re looking for a mobile fax app that lets you save your faxes in unique file formats beyond the usual suspects, iFax might just be for you.

Unlike most fax apps, iFax allows you to fax documents in formats like CAD.

iFax does have some issues however.

The app doesn’t allow you to share faxes beyond your intended recipient. You won’t be able to add a digital signature to your documents either.

Send a fax via cell phone with Zap Fax today

At the end of the day, you’ll want to pick a fax app that promises only high-quality faxes in all common file formats.

Only the best will also guarantee easy international faxing and fuss-free format conversion.

And only Zap Fax guarantees full personal privacy protection with private fax numbers.

Get the best of mobile faxing together with Zap Fax.

And that’s how to send a fax via cell phone. Get Zap Fax and start sending faxes via your cell phone today!