Looking for a burner app for iOS? Try Phoner.

Need a burner app for iOS but not sure where to look?

With so many burner apps for iOS out there today, it can be difficult figuring out which one suits you best.

Phoner is just the burner app for iOS you need.

Personally, we think our own Phoner burner app is just what you need. Here’s why.

Phoner is the burner app for iOS you need

Before you get all cynical, rest assured that this isn’t just an empty label. A quick look at Phoner’s features will show you why it is the iOS burner app you’ve been looking for.

Reason 1: Phoner gives you access to unlimited numbers from around the world

Stay connected anytime, anywhere with Phoner's burner numbers

A big plus that burner apps have over physical burner phones is that you can use multiple burner numbers simultaneously at any time.

With Phoner, you can use as many burner numbers as you want. Start using any burner number you wish without a new SIM card.

Choose from a collection of burner numbers from more than 50 countries around the world, and stay connected privately anywhere, anytime.

Phoner’s collection of burner numbers is unmatched even by some of the most popular burner apps.

More importantly, burner numbers on Phoner can be used anywhere. Some burner apps only provide numbers that can be used within Canada, the US and/or the UK.

Reason 2:  Phoner lets you customise your burner numbers

Customise burner numbers according to state and area code with Phoner.

Another feature that sets Phoner apart from the competition is the ability to customise your burner numbers.

On Phoner, change your burner numbers according to state and area code. This allows you to get a credible second phone number for casual dating, business and much more.

Even better, use a customised burner number to skip expensive international calling fees, or use the number to sign up for local events you might have missed out.

Reason 3: Phoner won’t leave your problems unaddressed

Phoner's dedicated customer service will never leave you hanging

Truth is, the biggest frustration many users have on burner apps is that customer service doesn’t do anything to solve issues they face.

This can get particularly frustrating, especially if you’re a small business owner or freelancer who’s entirely dependent on an app to connect you to your clients and customers.

Phoner understands this, and that’s why we always have a dedicated customer service team to oversee and timely resolve any problems you might have.

With Phoner, you’ll never be left hanging.

Phoner is your burner app for iOS

With unlimited, customisable numbers and great customer service, Phoner promises a superb iOS burner app experience you’ll be wanting more of.

Or, you may also be looking out for something with a little more bells-and whistles. That’s totally fine too. We highly recommend always picking a burner app that best suits your needs.

Still, if all you want is an affordable and reliable mobile privacy fix, Phoner is perfect for you.

Phoner is a great burner app for iOS. Try Phoner today for better mobile privacy protection today!