19 Innovative Pilates Marketing Ideas to Increase Your Client Base

Pilates is a popular form of exercise that has gained a significant following in recent years. Pilates studios and instructors are always looking for new and innovative ways to promote their services and attract new clients. In this article, we will explore 20 powerful Pilates marketing ideas to increase your client base as a Pilates business owner.

Pilates Marketing ideas

Use Social Media to Promote Your Studio and Pilates Classes

Social media is a great way to reach potential clients and promote your studio and Pilates classes. Use platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube to share informational content such as:

  • Photos and videos of your classes
  • Testimonials from satisfied clients
  • Information about upcoming events and promotions
  • Your studio's philosophy and teaching approach

Choosing a Pilates studio is an important decision for clients, as it can greatly affect your clients' Pilates practice and overall wellness. That's why it's also important to market your Pilates studio well.

Marketing your Pilates studio is all about giving potential clients a taste of what your space and atmosphere are like. As a savvy Pilates business owner, you can really set yourself apart by trying out these pilates studio marketing ideas:

  • Create a virtual tour of your studio and classes: This way, potential customers can see your space and get a feel for your vibe from the comfort of their own home.
  • Focus on your studio's location and accessibility: If you're situated close to your clientele's office or have easy access via public transport, this is a major selling point! It means they can pop in for a class during their lunch break or on the way home from work.
  • Highlight the range of facilities available in your studio, too: With reformer Pilates, there are loads of different equipment types that provide an engaging and challenging workout for your clients. So, show off your studio's new equipment and even consider demonstrating how to use it.
  • Share the amenities that your clients can use in your studio: Things like laundry and shower amenities really help to create a comfortable and inviting experience for your clients. Trust us, they'll appreciate the little extras that make their time with you all the more enjoyable!

Host a Pilates Workshop or Event

Hosting a Pilates workshop or event is a great way to attract new clients and generate interest in your studio. Offer workshops on specific topics, such as Pilates for athletes or Pilates for pregnancy, and promote them on social media and through email marketing. We've rounded up some Pilates workshop ideas to get you started:

  1. Introduction to Pilates: A beginner's workshop that covers the basics of Pilates and its benefits.
  2. Pilates for Back Pain: A workshop focused on addressing back pain through Pilates exercises.
  3. Advanced Pilates: A workshop for experienced Pilates practitioners looking to challenge themselves with more advanced exercises.
  4. Pilates and Nutrition: A workshop that covers the importance of nutrition in supporting a healthy Pilates practice.
  5. Pilates for Athletes: A workshop that focuses on Pilates exercises that can improve athletic performance and prevent injuries.
  6. Pilates and Mindfulness: A workshop that explores the connection between Pilates and mindfulness, including breathing techniques and meditation.
  7. Pilates for Pregnancy: A workshop focused on Pilates exercises that are safe and beneficial during pregnancy.
  8. Pilates with Props: A workshop that introduces Pilates exercises using props such as resistance bands, foam rollers, and balls.
  9. Pilates for Flexibility: A workshop focused on improving flexibility through Pilates exercises.
  10. Pilates for Posture: A workshop that addresses posture issues through Pilates exercises.
  11. Pilates for Seniors: A workshop designed for older adults who want to maintain mobility and improve strength and balance through Pilates exercises.
  12. Pilates for Runners: A workshop that focuses on Pilates exercises that can benefit runners by improving form, strength, and flexibility.
  13. Pilates and Breathwork: A workshop that explores the connection between Pilates and breathwork, including techniques to improve breath control and lung capacity.
  14. Pilates for Dancers: A workshop that introduces Pilates exercises that are beneficial for dancers, including exercises for balance, alignment, and core strength.
  15. Pilates for Office Workers: A workshop that addresses the postural issues that arise from desk work and introduces Pilates exercises to improve posture and alleviate pain.
  16. Pilates for Rehabilitation: A workshop that focuses on Pilates exercises that can aid in injury rehabilitation and recovery.
  17. Pilates and Foam Rolling: A workshop that combines Pilates exercises with foam rolling to release muscle tension and improve flexibility.
  18. Pilates for Kids: A workshop designed to introduce Pilates exercises to children and promote healthy movement habits.
  19. Pilates and Self-Care: A workshop that explores the role of Pilates in a self-care routine, including exercises to relieve stress and promote relaxation.
  20. Pilates and Anatomy: A workshop that delves into the anatomy of Pilates exercises, including the muscles worked and the benefits of each exercise.

Rename Your Pilates Classes

Naming a Pilates class can be a fun and creative process, but it's important to choose a name that accurately reflects the class content and resonates with your target audience. Here are some tips to help you name your Pilates class:

  1. Focus on the benefits: Consider the main benefits of your Pilates class, such as increased flexibility, core strength, or relaxation. Use these benefits as inspiration for your class name.
  2. Be descriptive: Use descriptive words that accurately convey the content of your class. For example, if your class is focused on flexibility, you could use words like "supple," "limber," or "bendy" in the name.
  3. Be unique: Choose a name that sets your class apart from other Pilates classes in the area. Use creative wordplay or a unique concept to make your class stand out.
  4. Use branding: If you have an established brand for your Pilates studio, consider using that branding in your class name to reinforce your studio's identity.
  5. Keep it simple: Avoid overly complicated names that are difficult to remember or pronounce. Keep your class name short and easy to say.
  6. Consider your target audience: Think about who your ideal client is and what type of class name would appeal to them. For example, if your target audience is busy professionals, you may want to use a name that emphasizes the efficiency or time-saving benefits of your class.
  7. Get feedback: Once you have a few ideas for your Pilates class name, test them out with a focus group or your current clients to get feedback and see which names resonate the most.

Some examples of Pilates class name ideas for your staple classes could be:

  • Core Power
  • Flex & Flow
  • Pilates Fusion
  • Mindful Movement
  • Strong & Supple
  • Pilates Basics
  • Pilates Reformer Challenge
  • Pilates Flow & Stretch
  • Pilates for Athletes
  • Pilates for Posture
  • Balanced Body
  • Dynamic Alignment
  • Pilates for Back Health
  • Mind-Body Pilates
  • Pilates for Relaxation

Looking to add even more pizzazz to your Pilates classes' names? Here are some fun and creative Pilates class name ideas to help you spice things up:

  1. Pop Culture References: Draw inspiration from your favorite TV shows, movies, or books. For example, you could name a class "Pilates in the Park" after the TV show "Parks and Recreation," or "The Core Awakens" after the movie "Star Wars: The Force Awakens."
  2. Alliteration: Use alliteration to make your class name more memorable. For example, "Pilates & Pinot" or "Sculpt & Stretch."
  3. Play on Words: Get creative with puns or wordplay. For example, "Pilates & Pints" for a class that includes a beer tasting, or "Pilates Pie" for a Thanksgiving-themed class.
  4. Location-Based: Incorporate your studio's location into your class name. For example, "Beachside Pilates" or "Urban Core."
  5. Music-Inspired: Use song lyrics or musical themes to name your classes. For example, "Pilates with a Twist" after the classic cocktail or "Rock Your Core" for a class set to rock music.
  6. Color-Based: Use colors to name your classes. For example, "Pretty in Pink Pilates" or "Blackout Pilates" for a class done in a completely dark room.
  7. Inspirational: Use inspirational quotes or phrases for your class names. For example, "Unleash Your Inner Strength" or "Find Your Balance."
  8. Animal-Inspired: Incorporate animals into your class names. For example, "Cat Stretch Pilates" or "Bunny Hop Pilates" for a class with a focus on flexibility.
  9. Seasonal: Use seasonal themes to name your classes. For example, "Summer Shape-Up" or "Winter Wellness."
  10. Humorous: Use humor to make your class names more memorable. For example, "Sweat Like a Boss" or "Pilates & Prosecco."

Remember, the key to choosing a Pilates class name idea is finding one that accurately reflects your class content while also being fun, memorable, and appealing to your target audience. Get creative, have fun, and don't be afraid to try something new!

Partner With Local Businesses to Offer Discounts or Promotions

Partner with local businesses, such as spas, salons, or health food stores, to offer discounts or promotions on Pilates classes to their customers. This can help attract new clients who may not have otherwise considered Pilates.

Offer a Free Introductory Pilates Class or Session

One of the most effective ways to attract new clients is to offer a free introductory Pilates class or session. This gives potential clients the opportunity to try Pilates before committing to a package or membership.

Create a Referral Program to Encourage Current Clients to Bring in New Clients

Word-of-mouth referrals are a powerful tool in the world of Pilates marketing. Offer incentives to current clients who bring in new clients, such as discounted classes or free sessions.

Utilize Email Marketing to Stay in Touch With Current and Potential Clients

Email marketing is a great way to stay in touch with current and potential clients. Use email to share information about upcoming events and promotions, as well as Pilates tips and advice.

Host A Challenge Or Competition To Motivate Clients

Host a Pilates challenge or competition to motivate current clients and attract new ones. Offer prizes for those who complete the challenge, and promote the competition on social media and through email marketing.

Offer Online Pilates Classes for Clients Who Cannot Attend In-Person Classes

Offering online Pilates classes is a great way to attract clients who cannot attend in-person classes. This can include clients who live in remote areas or who have busy schedules that make it difficult to attend regular classes.

Create A Blog To Provide Valuable Information And Pilates Tips To Your Audience

Creating a blog is a great way to provide valuable information and Pilates tips to your audience. Share articles about Pilates, health, and fitness, and promote your studio and classes through the blog.

Attend Local Events And Network With Potential Clients

Attending local events, such as health fairs or fitness expos, is a great way to network with potential clients and promote your studio and Pilates classes.

Create A Youtube Channel With Pilates Tutorials And Tips

Creating a YouTube channel with Pilates tutorials and tips is a great way to reach potential clients and promote your studio. Share videos of Pilates workouts, tips for beginners, and testimonials from satisfied clients.

Offer A Loyalty Program For Long-Term Clients

Offering a loyalty program for long-term clients is a great way to show your appreciation and keep them coming back. Offer discounts or special promotions for clients who have been with your studio for a certain amount of time.

Host A Pilates Challenge For Current Clients

Keep your clients motivated and engaged by hosting a Pilates challenge! This is a great way to offer a fun and competitive experience that encourages progress and commitment. Create a customized program and offer prizes for milestones such as attendance or progress tracking. This can also help create a sense of community among your clients.

Host A Pilates Charity Event And Donate Proceeds To A Cause

Looking to give back to your community while promoting your Pilates business? Consider hosting a charity event and donating a portion of the proceeds to a cause you care about. Not only will you be making a positive impact, but you'll also be showcasing your studio and attracting potential new clients who value social responsibility.

Host A Pilates Retreat Or Weekend Getaway

Take your Pilates practice to the next level by hosting a retreat or weekend getaway! Offer your clients a chance to escape their daily routine and immerse themselves in a relaxing and rejuvenating Pilates experience. This is a great opportunity to deepen relationships with clients and create a unique and memorable experience.

Partner With Local Gyms And Fitness Studios To Cross-Promote Classes

Expand your reach and attract new clients by partnering with local gyms and fitness studios to cross-promote your Pilates classes. Offer free demos or collaborate on events to introduce your Pilates program to a wider audience. This is a win-win situation that can benefit both businesses and create a stronger fitness community.

Create An App To Offer Pilates Tutorials And Workouts

Take your Pilates business online and create an app to offer tutorials and workouts! This is a great way to expand your audience and offer clients the flexibility to practice Pilates on their own time. Provide customized content and features such as progress tracking and scheduling to enhance the user experience and keep clients engaged.

Use Local Influencers To Promote Your Studio And Pilates Classes

Another great Pilates marketing ideas is to leverage the power of local influencers to promote your Pilates studio and classes! Partner with social media personalities who align with your brand values and have a strong local following. Offer free classes or collaborations in exchange for content creation and social media posts that showcase your studio and Pilates program.

Partner With Local Hotels To Offer Pilates Packages For Travelers

Partner with local hotels and offer Pilates packages for travelers! This is a great way to tap into a new market and attract clients who are looking for a fitness-focused travel experience. Offer customized packages that include Pilates classes, healthy meals, and wellness amenities to provide a memorable and relaxing stay.

Setup a Second Phone Number for Your Pilates Studio

Get a second phone number from an app like Phoner to manage enquiries about your Pilates classes. Having a phone number for your Pilates business provides a direct and convenient way for potential and existing clients to contact you. It also adds a personal touch to your business and can improve customer trust and satisfaction.


There's always a fresh Pilates marketing idea that you can try out as a Pilates business owner. From Pilates workshop ideas, to quirky Pilates class name ideas, take your your studio to the next level with our tips.