How to talk to your ex to GET HIM BACK (3 SECRET tips no one told you!)

Almost anyone who has gone through a heartbreak knows the feeling of losing your ex. Whether the moment was built up to or was sudden, it is a hurtful experience almost everyone has had to endure in the modern dating world. Wondering how to talk to your ex to get him back? Read on to find out how.

However, some people feel like the breakup was not meant to be and believe that on hindsight they could have worked things out. They believe they should give the relationship one more shot.

If you are one of those people, read on to find out some of the tried-and-tested methods people have used to talk to their ex to get them back. This article will show you how you can do this all through the convenient and powerful means of texting.

3 tips to KNOW - How to talk to your ex to GET HIM BACK

Tip #1: The No Contact Rule

Make sure all first moves follow the “No Contact” rule. You should follow this rule for at least a month. No less, no more: A MONTH.

The period of “No Contact” is magical when done right. Make sure there are no calls, no texts, no social media interactions (not even liking their posts) and not even those “accidental” late night calls.

The “No Contact” rule can work wonders. Should the breakup have been on bad terms, it gives the other party a chance to cool down and get over their anger. A month is also ideal for them to start missing you, even if they have tried to keep busy. A month will run them tired from all the things they have been doing to keep their mind off you. What’s more, showing NO form of interest and interaction with them will have them wondering: “What are they up to? Why are they not checking in?”

This will put you in the most ideal position before you send those texts. They would have been at their most anticipatory selves, waiting to hear from you. This step is essential to make an ex boyfriend or girlfriend want you back again.

Tip #2: Getting your ex to talk to you INSTANTLY (Our favorite)

While some of our relationships might have ended on a sour note, others might be too shy or embarrassed to have their names popping up on their ex’s screens, let alone making the first move. You might not want to engage your ex with him knowing that it is you yet, for whatever the reason. But, keeping your identity anonymous when you first start texting them again could be advantageous.

The most effective way to do this is to use a secure second phone number by downloading the Phoner 2nd Phone Number for Me (click here to get it on Android).

This app allows you to literally get a second phone number, allowing you to contact that special someone without them knowing of your phone number or identity, or at the very least, not having your name pop up on their screens to have them ignoring you a day or two before they get back to you. This could be especially useful if you’re looking for how to get your boyfriend or girlfriend back after they broke up with you and to start talking to your ex to get them back.

Tip #3: Dating all over again

Want to make him or her want you over text? Just remember the flirtatious games you used to play when you first started dating.

Put into practice all the rules your girl friends and guy friends told you when you first started talking to your ex. Remember how you should not respond back immediately to keep them guessing. You should also refrain from sending long text messages so that you will not seem desperate. Keep your responses brief.

Do not go overboard with the flirting though: just make sure you try to keep them constantly thinking about you. This is one of the more successful means for you to start off for you to have better chances to asking your ex to take you back even.

Keep in mind all these tips, and we can move on to how EXACTLY we can talk to our ex to win them back.

What are some of the BEST ways to get your ex to want you back over text?

Solution #1: The “Good Reminder” Text Message

A “Good Reminder” text message allows your ex to remember the good times both of you had together. Hopefully, with your ability to trigger the right memory, he or she will start reminiscing about the good times with you and start to go down memory lane. The goal is here is to get them to start missing you as much as you do them, so that make your ex want you back again.

Examples of texts to send to WIN over your ex:

一“Hey, I was just at the ice skating rink and remembered how we used to come here."

一“Hey, I just went back to our favourite Thai place. The staff still remember me there, and asked about you.”

Solution #2: The “Necessary Meeting” Text Message

This text can be considered if you have all the words ready to tell him or her how you feel with one major hiccup: How do you get him or her to meet with you?

If you’re looking to speak with an ex face-to-face, here’s what you could do. Send a text that necessitates a meet-up. Make the meeting seem like an important reason, or it may look like you desperately want to meet them because you miss them. Remember, before you know you can talk to your ex to get them back, you cannot seem desperate to do that exact thing.

Examples of texts to send to WIN over your ex:

一“Hey, I am planning a trip to Japan and I remembered how much you talked about how you enjoyed your last trip to Japan. I thought maybe you could give me some travel tips and we could meet for a quick coffee sometime this week?”

一“Hey, I am having problems with a particular accounting task at work. You’re the only accounting genius I know. Could we meet at a cafe near you sometime this week for some help with it?”

Solution #3: The “Cut to the Chase” Text Message

Were you and your ex good friends before the whole relationship? Maybe you think it is time to reconnect that friendship before you and your ex can give it a try at a relationship again. Nonetheless, the friendship with your ex was important to you and you think you’d want to reclaim it.

Being friends with your ex before a relationship with them might help clear things much more easily and smoothly. This is especially so when it comes to even starting to ask your ex to take you back. It might seem less awkward and weird and if you’re soon-to-be (once again) significant other is more of the ‘take it easy’ types, these sorts of text messages might work.

Examples of texts to send to WIN over your ex:

一“Hey, I hope enough time has passed. I have really missed you as a friend and no matter what has gone down between us, I hope we can rebuild our friendship again. If you’re cool, we should meet up soon to catch up. How does that sound?”

一“Hey, I hope enough time has passed. I hope you’re doing okay. I was just thinking about you and was thinking how much I’d still want you in my life. Even just as friends. Could we give being friends a shot?”

Getting back an ex-relationship

While many think it is foolish or not worthwhile to get back together with an ex, many are of the perception that the one that just got away might be the one for them. Giving it a shot again may help some reunite for the better, or at the very least, perhaps see things more clearly.

Whatever it is, take the tips and examples suggested in these articles and apply it accordingly to make it your own.  Everyone’s situation is unique, so use what’s best for you.

Consider texting them initially from a temporary (or permanent) second phone number to have them contacting you back almost instantly.

We hope you finally know how to talk to your ex to get him back. We wish you the very best! Let us know how it goes in the comments below!